Many runners want to join a marathon as a personal challenge, get healthier for a charity challenge or even lose weight. In addition, runners might want to test their limits and prove they can go the distance. The following is a guide for preparing to run a marathon. Getting Started Know your limits: Be aware of your limitations before starting any training programmes for a marathon because the potential injury risks of 26.2 miles are higher compared to a shorter distance. Start early: To be successful when training for a marathon, it’s recommended you start by building your base and running consistently for at leastRead More →

Participating in running events and performing well requires a lot of consideration and proper preparation. Even before engaging in the event, understanding the nature of it is a consideration. In some cases, only qualified professional athletes will be allowed to participate in an event. On the other hand, some running events are open to the general public. In addition, the event may aim to raise money for a particular cause. If you’re looking for tips on how to participate in various running events, look no further than this article. Join a Club Local running clubs or groups will enhance performance. Joining the club brings exposureRead More →

Running is one of the easiest and friendliest sports. You only require a few items to get started. Just a pair of shoes and shorts or tracksuit, and you will be good to go. However, being a professional athlete demands discipline and commitment. Across the world, various running events are to take place. Some have already concluded, and others are yet to commence. Below is a short list of some of the running events that will take place in the remaining months of 2021. Generali Berlin Half Marathon The event will take place in August 2021 in Berlin. It will happen amid the Covid 19Read More →